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History shows that Africa before colonization had a unique and very effective system of education. This system was responsible for the birth of great empires and very high spiritual standards across Africa. The founders of Ambazonian Education are very aware of this aspect of history that has been forgotten, and will work hard to ensure its return. We hope to collaboratively work with Africans at every level to ensure that the people get the quality of education that reflects their inherent lifestyle, and simplify learning so that every African will get quality training and education. Continue to “About us…”

Ambazonian Education Online (AEON) is independent, and not affiliated with any revolutionary group. We are an independent institution created in response to the educational needs of Southern Cameroonians who have not had any form of formal education in the last four years. This is as a result of the tensions between the government of the Republic of Cameroon and Southern Cameroonians who have rejected the system of education offered by the Republic of Cameroon. our decision to establish Ambazonian Education is to ensure an affordable uninterrupted education of the people of Southern Cameroon, and other Africa countries; from Kindergartens to University levels. Our effort is also directed to provide the highest quality of educational system which is in alignment with African tradition, customs and spirituality as well as meet international standards.


Ambazonian Education Online regularly post updates on developing educational news, and other interesting events happening in Southern Cameroons and around the world. Bring yourself up to date with happenings around you.

We Provide Opportunities To Succeed

“Ambazonian. Education Online” is a robust educational and economic platform dedicated to putting all Ambazonians, and unprivileged African children back to school to give them quality education from Kindergartens to University levels. Ambazonian. Education Online is flexible to use and can be accessed where ever there is the internet. Aspiring online teachers are trained on how to use online school platforms to deliver quality classes in the comfort of their homes at their own convenience. Teachers, lecturers, and people with teachable skills also have the privilege to easily establish a career and residual income on the platform with the help of the administration.

If you are an Ambazonian teacher or someone with teachable skills anywhere in the world who has a job or does not have a job, please we encourage you to put your money where your mouth is. Our children, your younger, brothers, and sisters have not been to school for four years. That means they are not learning any skills at this point, therefore putting themselves at a disadvantage to the rest of the children worldwide. That is a generation of illiterates being manufactured on our own watch. You can use your teaching skill to change the future of those kids by volunteering two hours or more of your time a week to deliver an online class to Ambazonian kids sitting at home with no hope of going back to school.

Aspiring online teachers are trained on how to use online school platforms to deliver quality classes in the comfort of their homes at their own convenience. Teachers, lecturers, and people with teachable skills also have the privilege to easily establish a career and residual income on the platform with the help of the administration. You will be working with some of the most amazing students and teachers worldwide. Please contact us for details on how to start.

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Poly Dem WordPress Dev.

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

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Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

Magar Faw WordPress Dev.





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